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Addressing the Youth Mental Health Crisis Through Supportive Sports Programs

Nov. 10, 2023

Good morning Weyburn Soccer families, 

I am reaching out to bring attention to the escalating crisis in youth mental health, exacerbated by the pressures of competitive sports. Recent trends and studies indicate a concerning rise in anxiety, depression, and burnout among young athletes, often leading to a premature end to their sports participation.

Please take the time to watch this video - Not Good Enough

As a community, we must act to reverse this trend. It is imperative to create a sports environment that prioritizes mental wellness, emphasizes the joy of play, and supports the holistic development of our youth. This includes re-evaluating our coaching methods, parental involvement, and the overall culture surrounding youth sports.

I believe that by working together—clubs, coaches, parents, and mental health professionals—we can forge a path that places the mental health of our young athletes at the forefront. Let's collaborate to ensure that sports serve as a platform for positive mental health and personal growth, rather than a contributing factor to its decline.

What Weyburn Soccer can do:

Soccer clubs can help address these issues by implementing several strategies:

1. Promote Fun and Enjoyment: Re-focus training and matches on enjoyment rather than just on outcomes like winning or performance metrics. This includes creating a positive, supportive environment where effort and personal improvement are valued.

2. Empower Athletes: Give players more autonomy by allowing them to make decisions, express themselves, and play without fear of excessive criticism or micromanagement from coaches or parents.

3. Ensure Playing Time: Adopt policies that ensure all players get meaningful playing time, regardless of their skill level, to foster development and a sense of contribution.

4. Educate on Mental Health: Offer workshops and resources for coaches, parents, and players on mental health awareness and the importance of a balanced approach to sports.

5. Support Systems: Establish support systems within the club for players who may be struggling, including access to sports psychologists or counselors.

6. Diversify Activities: Encourage participation in various activities, not just soccer, to reduce burnout and overuse injuries, and to develop a broader range of skills and interests.

7. Set Realistic Goals: Help players set personal and realistic goals, separate from the club's ambitions, to foster individual growth and satisfaction.

By taking these steps, soccer clubs can help foster a healthier, more balanced sporting experience that prioritizes the well-being of young athletes.

What can parents do:

Parents can contribute to a positive sports experience for their children by:

Encouraging Fun: Emphasize enjoyment over winning. Celebrate effort, teamwork, and personal bests rather than outcomes.

Supporting Autonomy: Allow children to have a say in their sports participation and decisions during play, fostering a sense of ownership.

Positive Reinforcement: Offer encouragement and positive reinforcement instead of criticism, focusing on what was done well.
Managing Expectations: Keep expectations realistic and avoid pressuring children to meet adult-defined goals.
Educating Themselves: Learn about youth sports psychology and the mental health challenges athletes can face.
Open Communication: Maintain open lines of communication, ensuring children feel comfortable discussing their experiences and challenges.

These actions can help mitigate the pressure children feel and make sports a more positive aspect of their lives.


What coaches can do:

Coaches can play a pivotal role in addressing the issues that lead to youth quitting sports by:

Fostering a Positive Environment: Create an inclusive and positive team culture that values each player's contribution.
Emphasizing Development: Focus on skill development and personal growth over winning.
Rotating Playing Time: Ensure all players get the opportunity to participate and contribute during games.
Education on Mental Health: Educate themselves on mental health to recognize signs of stress or burnout in players.
Communication Skills: Communicate effectively and provide constructive feedback without negativity.
Goal Setting: Assist players in setting achievable personal and team goals to keep them motivated and engaged.

By implementing these practices, coaches can help keep sports enjoyable and mentally beneficial for young athletes.


The Weyburn Soccer culture:

Inclusivity: Every member feels valued and included, regardless of skill level.

Open Communication: Encourage open dialogue about mental health, stress, and burnout without stigma.

Holistic Development: Focus on personal and athletic development rather than just results.

Supportive Environment: Coaches and parents provide a supportive atmosphere that celebrates effort and improvement.

Balanced Approach: Recognize the importance of rest, recovery, and life outside of soccer.
Education: Provide ongoing education on mental health for coaches, parents, and players.

Our culture fosters resilience, enjoyment, and lifelong participation in sports.

I look forward to discussing how we can make these necessary changes and would be grateful for your support and involvement in this vital initiative. If you are a professional in the area of youth mental health, Weyburn Soccer would love to collaborate and share resources to help educate our technical team, board of directors, parents, coaches and players. Please reach out to me at wsatechdirector@sasktel.net 

Warm regards,



Tyler Hillstead

Weyburn Soccer 

Technical Director 


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